
I read an article yesterday that said the amount of diagnosed anxiety disorders in America had risen 1200% in the last three decades. That’s a 400% increase every decade.

I think this matters.

Statistics don’t normally do it for me but this is different because I’ve seen this statistic. 

It seems as if people are pre-programmed to need affirmation. To need someone or something to tell them there good, to tell them they’re worthwhile. And we’re anxious because we’re more connected. The more connected we are to people who we’re interested in redeeming us the more afraid we become that they’ll suddenly discover we’re not as cool as we want to be. 

It’s like that moment when you realize hockey isn’t as cool as the mighty ducks made it out to be. 

Somewhere along the way we started seeking redemption from a jury of our peers and a collection of pretty “status” badges placed on our battered weary self in hopes of decorating what sucks to make it pleasant and approvable.