White Violet “4 AM”
“Why do we find ourselves loving temporal things, when we are so dependent on an eternal being.
Love not the passing shadow but allow the sun to cloak you in it’s warmth.
Music this Wednesday from the incredibly talented John French. Check out his other music at http://www.johnfrenchandthebastilles.com/
“Darlene” is one of five bonus tracks from The Lumineers (Deluxe Edition), out August 20th, 2013.
This is really cool to think about. I don’t know if I could do it but it sounds incredible.
The Oh Hellos
Truth is a Cave/Valley Reprise
What I loved about this concert was you could tell that the novelty of playing songs you have written in front of groups of people hasn’t worn off for them. This is still new to them. Still slightly awkward but nonetheless lovely.
Paris From Above →
Last Sunday, France celebrated Bastille Day, commemorating the start of the French Revolution in 1789 – the end of monarchy and the beginning of modern France