But love doesn’t want anything from the other person–what it wants is everything for that person. It doesn’t want to possess the other person, especially not to have him or her jealously all to itself. It only wants to love the other person, because it cannot do otherwise.
— Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Civil Wars Release New Album Despite Hiatus

“All I can do is just be myself and be vulnerable and sit here and talk to you. And so on some level let people think what they think. All I can do is move forward, and that’s what I’m doing. This is part of life. Sometimes that’s what I think people miss. This isn’t some marketing ploy to make things more interesting for a second album. This is my life, and my life is on this album. And if you want to know what happened to the band, listen to the album”

Joy Williams 

A Love Letter to Southern Football

“I didn’t just hear from Georgia people, but from people all over the South. To go up there and invade the North and come back a winner was the greatest thing for a lot of people. It was as if we had had a chance to go to Gettysburg again.”

Vince Dooley 

The core problem is that living conditions haven’t really caught up with the improvements in people’s income. Brazil is an increasingly middle-class country that still has many of the characteristics of a poorer one.
James Surowiecki explains why the protests led by Brazil’s middle class may lead to lasting change: http://nyr.kr/14AVjgs (via newyorker)